Generally speaking, humans tend not to dwell on death too much. For most of us, our own death is a concept too large to wrap our brains around. Still, each and every one of us will eventually die. To help reconcile the gravity of that fact, we've constructed a number of explanations for what happens when we die via religion, philosophy, science, and the arts. Constructs, such as the circle of life or an afterlife, help us better comprehend what lies ahead. But, of course, now one can agree just what happens at the moment of our death. What do you believe happens when we die? Does our essence live on through a soul or form of energy? What of the role of science? How has it informed our understanding of this natural process? Finally, are you afraid of dying? What, if anything, gives you comfort?
Include at least two of the following in your discussion:
- "Thinking about Death Can Make You Value Life More" (LiveScience)
- "Five Facts About Americans’ Views on Life-and-Death Issues (Pew Research)
- "What Happens When We Die? " (Time)
- "I Do Not Fear Death" (Salon)
- "Confronting Death with an Open, Mindful Attitude" (Huff Post)
- "Americans View Death Way Differently than Other Cultures. This Woman Wants to Change That." (Upworthy)
- MLA Style
- 250 words (one page)
- Works cited page
Due: Thu 3.21
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